Thursday, January 10, 2013

Just a Blog Post

This post doesn't have any recipes. I just wanted to say thanks to all of the people who have been following my blog and me on twitter. Its really great to know that even as a random night time kitchen blogger, just for fun, that I'm getting out there and (hopefully) helping people out in the kitchen.

I personally love trying new things for dinner and obviously dessert. Although most of the things I do for dessert I end up giving away and sharing, we all had a bit too much over the holidays. I'm not making a New Years Resolution to lose weight or anything unachievable or crazy. But I'm going to try to eat a little lighter and smarter. You know, half whole wheat and half white pasta, less cream and butter and more vegetables. That's probably the biggest one. I like them. But I just don't seem to get enough of them. Make yourself a little more full with almost the same amount of food. Just little substitutions. Because I'm certainly not cutting out Dairy or Pasta anytime soon!

With that being said, my "Blog" resolution is to post Double plus 5 of what I posted in 2012. Because, that's what happened from 2011 to 2012. So, 71 new posts and recipes is the goal! Which is really only a couple a week. I hope that maybe, my blog will also get twice as many views as last year. I'm going to start the year off on a bit of a cheat (Just like most people's resolutions!) since I have a few recipes from December that I didn't get a chance to do before the New Year... But those are only going to get me through January.

Thanks again for checking out my blog, hope to see you in there for this post next year! Here's to an inspired year.


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